About CannaBliss

The Caribbean Medico-Legal Cannabis Conference

The Saint Kitts and Nevis Medical Cannabis Authority (MCA) with the permission of the Office of the
Prime Minister and in association with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, the Medicinal
Cannabis Legalization Task Force, the SKN Cannabis Cultivation Association and the SKN Small
Business Association (SKN SBA), is pleased to announce the inaugural hosting of “The Caribbean
Medico-Legal Cannabis Conference” (CANNA-BLISS).

Our mission is to establish a national intersection where diverse stakeholders can comfortably and efficiently engage in high-level discourse in a professional environment. The conference will showcase a
wide variety of cannabis strains and by-products that are currently being researched and developed by
Kittitians and Nevisians across the federation.

CANNA-BLISS will provide a valuable platform for the MCA along with investors, investors,
entrepreneurs and interest groups, to connect with other industry professionals across the value chain
from growers to product manufacturers.


CANNA-BLISS operates at the intersection between educational-advancement, advocacy and activism related to the cannabis plant, bringing traditional and non-traditional cannabis stakeholders together to diagnose their own problems and provide their own solutions.

Our aim is fivefold:
1) To provide a safe space for cannabis stakeholders to destigmatise and normalize safe, responsible medical cannabis use under the banner of Empathy, Excellence and Equity.

2) To boost brand awareness of the Medical Cannabis (Licensing) Authority and promote greater stakeholder engagement.

3) To provide more than just an experiential platform, but in addition to foster a sense of security and connection for cannabis stakeholders, creating a synergy among them that facilitates further problem solving and collaboration.

4) To provide career and professional development opportunities in this burgeoning industry, leading to new business opportunities, collaborations and partnerships.

5) To conduct various pilot studies on Cannabis use, enhancing awareness of the spectrum of medical cannabis, its short and long-term effects, and how best to minimize health risks.