
Speakers & Topics

St Lucia & Grenada Rooms, Marriot Resort

Hosts: Naeemah Hazelle,  & Dr Al Perre

8:00 “Liamuiga Farm Kittitian Breakfast”

8:30 “SANKOFA & The Innocent Plant” Documentary

9:00 Welcome / Opening Ceremony

9:15 Keynote Address Hon. PM Dr Drew

9:45 Brief Remarks
        - Min. 0f Agriculture, Culture, Creative Arts & Small Business, Samal Duggins

        - Min. Of Legal Affairs, G. Wilkin

10:15 “Island Roadster Coffee Break”

10:30 First (1st) Diaspora Discussion

          Topic: “Ganja Goals: Learning from the Jamaican Experience”

        Speakers: Dr Emanuel / Dr Haughton / Dr Gordon / Min. Sabuto (SVG)

        Moderator: Hon. PM + Ms. Jaycie Lewis

12:30 Royal Logistics (SKN) LUNCHEON


1:30 Second (2nd) Diaspora Discussion
      Topic: “The Medical Cannabis Mission”

      Introducing the CEO’s of the Caribean’s Medical Cannabis (Licensing) Authorities
        Speakers: CEO’s of SKN / ANU / SVG / JAM / BIM
      Moderator: Hon. AG + Ms. Jaycie Lewis

2:30 “RITUAL’s Coffee Time”

3:00 Third (3rd) Diaspora Discussion

        Topic: “The US, UWI, and all a Arwee”
      Speakers: Chancellor McMean / Dr Snowden / Dr Emanuel / Ambassador Claxton / Min Duggins / PS Flemming / Dr Emanuel / Dr Alexander / Dr. Rani Whitfield

        Moderators: Dr Al Pierre & Dr Woodley

4:00 Traditional Growers Collective (featuring local growers, cultivators, farmers and Rastafari groups/coops speaking on their very unique journey and experiences with ‘The Innocent Plant’)

Expo & Entertainment

Hosts: Dr Al Pierre & Ms. Jaycie Lewis

8:30 "Digital Print Plus Breakfast"


9:00 Fourth (4th) Diaspora Discussion
        Topic: Food Security, Germplasm & Seedbanks
        Speakers: Dr Emanuel / Dr Gordon / Members of the Traditional Growers Collective / Gideon Farm   Organics / PS Flemming / ORU

        Moderator: Dr Al Pierre

10:00 “Island Roaster Coffee Break”

 10:30 Fifth (5th) Diaspora Discussion
           Topic: “Water Security & Wildlife Management”
          Speakers: Southern University Team / Dr Alexander / PS Flemming
           Moderator: Dr Al Pierre

12:30 Royal Logistics (SKN) LUNCHEON


1:30 FINAL (6th) Diaspora Discussion
        Topic: “Cannabis 2024 & Beyond”  

      Speakers: Mrs Davinia Tomlinson / SVG Consultant / Mr Rodney Browne / Mr SN Hagi / Representative of ORU / Dr Haugton / Dr Emanuel / Mr Nubian Greaux / Mr Shabazz King / Ms Desi Brown / PS Flemming

      Moderator:  Ms. Jaycie Lewis      


2:30 “RITUAL’s Coffee Time”



                                                             Expo & Entertainment